Learn Bodo Language Through English Online (English to Bodo)

The Bodo language, also known as Boro, holds significant linguistic and cultural importance in Northeast India, representing a vital strand in the region’s diverse cultural tapestry. A member of the Sino-Tibetan language family, Bodo shares linguistic characteristics with Dimasa, Kokborok, and Garo languages, underscoring the rich linguistic symbiosis present in Assam, Tripura, and Meghalaya. Notably, Bodo enjoys the distinction of being one of the 22 languages listed in the 8th Schedule of the Indian Constitution, affirming its role in the nation’s pluricultural identity.

Embarking on the Linguistic Journey: Essential Bodo Phrases and Words

For anyone keen to assimilate into the vibrant culture of the Bodo-speaking community or to understand the linguistic nuances, learning basic phrases and words is an excellent starting point. Whether you’re a traveler exploring the Northeast or a linguist, these expressions are the first step towards building rapport and fostering mutual respect with native Bodo speakers.

1. Basic Greetings in Bodo:

Hello: “Khulumbai!”
Welcome: “Ador khalamnai”
Good morning: “Gwjwn fungbili!”
Good night: “Gwjwn hor”
Bye: “Gwjwngthu!”
These greetings are more than mere words; they are an extension of Bodo hospitality and the community’s warm, welcoming nature.

2. Essential Bodo Vocabulary and Phrases:

In addition to the common greetings, having a repertoire of useful everyday phrases and words is beneficial. Here’s a sneak peek into some of these phrases which can be found in resources like the “Bodo 45: Basic Bodo Phrases” and the “Bodoland Movement Book” available on Amazon for deeper insights:

Thank you: “Dwbwnang”
Please: “Dwimalu”
How are you?: “Nwng gwsw jwng?”
I’m fine: “Ang gwswgw”
What’s your name?: “Nwngni nang baidi gwna?”
Learning Bodo: A Gateway to Cultural Immersion

The process of learning Bodo phrases and words is more than an academic endeavor; it’s a plunge into a rich cultural realm. The language is a gateway to understanding the history, traditions, and the collective psyche of the Bodo people. Resources like the “Bodoland Movement Book” not only offer linguistic knowledge but also provide historical and socio-political context, enriching your learning journey.

Language is the vessel of culture, and by embracing Bodo, one gets closer to the heart of a community renowned for its rich folklore, vibrant dance forms, and illustrious traditional attire. So, beginning with a “Khulumbai!” (Hello), let’s set forth on this fascinating journey of linguistic and cultural discovery!

Learn Bodo Language Through English Online (English to Bodo)

No. English Bodo
1 Hi/Hello Khulumbai
2 What is your name? Ma mung nwngna?
3 My name is Baoringdao Angni mung a Baoringdao
4 How are you? Ma khobor?
5 I am fine Ang mwjangwi nwng dong
6 Where are you from? Nwng bode jaiga ni?
7 I’m from Assam Ang Assam ni
8 What do you do? Ma khalamw nwng?
9 I do a job? Ang sakhri maoyw
10 Where do you live? Nwng boha thayw?
11 Nice talking to you Nwngjwng railaina mwjang mwndwng
12 What are you doing? Ma Khalamdwng nwng day?
13 I’m doing nothing Ang awrwinw dong
14 I’m sleeping Ang undun dwng
15 What about you? Nwngnalai maewi?
16 She is a beautiful girl Beyw sase somaina sikhwla mwn
17 I’m happy Ang gwjwnbai
18 He has just left Biyw dasw thangbai
19 Daingli has to come here Daingli ya beyau fwinangou
20 What happened? Ma jakhw?
21 Don’t make me angry! Angkow raga fwjwng nanga!
22 I’m feeling sleepy Ang undun awngkharbai
23 It is very hot today Dinwi jwbwd
24 Do you know to cook? Nwng songnw rwngou nama?
25 Can you speak English? Nwng English railainw rwngou na?
26 I want to learn Bodo language Ang Bodo swlwngnw lugwidng
27 I like you Ang nwngkow posaiyw
28 Do you love me? Nwng angkow mwjang mwnbai na?
29 I love you Ang nwngkow mwjang mwnw
30 I love you too Angbw nwngkow mwjang mwnw
31 I miss you Ang nwngkow gwsw khangw
32 I hate you Ang nwngkow swiya
33 How old are you? Nwngni besiwa beseba?
34 I am 10 years old Ang 10 bwsowr jabai
35 Did you eat food? Nwng jwmwng jabai nama?
36 Are you fever? Nwng lwmjadw nama?
37 Can you come here on Monday! Nwng sombar ao beohai fwinw hagwn nama!
38 Yes, I’ll go on Monday Au, Ang sombar thangwn
39 I’m busy Ang besto
40 Goodbye Mwjwng thangnwse
41 I’m sorry Khema bibai
42 Please forgive me! Onanwi nimaha hwdw angkow!
43 Yes Aw
44 No Nonga
45 Thank you Sabaikhor